Consuming an adequate daily intake of vitamins and minerals is essential for maintaining a healthy immune system, especially during virus season.
While it is ideal to obtain these nutrients from eating a balanced diet, taking dietary supplements can help ensure that your body receives the recommended daily allowance.
According to registered dietitian Kate Patton, MEd, RD, CCSD, LD, “vitamins play a key role in breaking down macronutrients such as carbohydrates, fat, and protein and contribute to overall bodily functions.”
In this article, we will outline the various vitamins and minerals you should be consuming along with their benefits.
It is estimated that approximately half of American adults take some form of vitamin or mineral supplement. While supplements may be beneficial in certain circumstances, it is important to speak with a doctor or registered dietitian before starting any supplement regimen, as everyone’s vitamin needs are unique.
Doing so will help to ensure that the appropriate products are taken and that there will not be any health risks associated with potential interactions between supplements and medications.
The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for vitamins and minerals is a specific amount of intake that an individual needs to avoid deficiencies and maintain optimal health.
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Men and women often have distinct RDA requirements for different vitamins and minerals. These are typically measured in milligrams or micrograms, with 1,000 micrograms equaling one milligram. It is essential to adhere to the recommended daily intake to ensure an adequate dietary balance of essential nutrients.
Here’s what vitamins and minerals you should consider taking to ensure a healthy immune system.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A benefits:
- Helps fight infection.
- Maintains healthy vision.
- Plays a key role in heart, lung and kidney health.
- Keeps skin healthy by fighting off toxins (also called free radicals).
- Strengthens bones and teeth.
Vitamin B
There are eight B vitamins, which make up vitamin B complex, with varying RDAs. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), most Americans don’t get their RDA of B vitamins in their daily nutrition.
“The majority of B vitamins are used to turn food into energy,” says Patton. “And also used a lot for growth, development and the creation of cells.”
Vitamin B benefits:
- Maintains normal brain function and memory.
- Needed for normal metabolism of carbohydrate, protein and fats.
- Improves cholesterol by lowering LDL (bad cholesterol) and increasing HDL (good cholesterol).
- Reduces risk of heart disease.
- Reduces risk of stroke.
- Necessary for normal blood cell production and nervous system function.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin containing antioxidants that promote healthy tissue growth. The RDA for men is 90 milligrams and 75 milligrams for women.
“Vitamin C helps protect your cells from the damage of free radicals,” says Patton. “It’s also used to help make collagen in your bodies.”
Vitamin C benefits:
- May reduce risk of getting the common cold.
- Maintains skin and tissue health.
- Strengthens bones and teeth.
For those who have an iron deficiency, vitamin C can help your body absorb it better. “If you’re trying to maximize your iron absorption, having more vitamin C is beneficial,” she adds.
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Vitamin D
Vitamin D is an essential fat-soluble vitamin that is activated by ultraviolet (UV) light. Besides getting from sun exposure, vitamin D can also be found in cod liver oil, fatty fish, fortified juices, milk and cereals. These can be a healthy alternative when a person does not get enough UV light. For children and adults, the RDA is 15 micrograms (600 IU). For ages 70 and older it is 20 micrograms (800 IU).
“Vitamin D deficiencies are pretty common,” says Patton. “Doctors may test your vitamin D levels and sometimes they are low enough that people need a prescription-strength dose of vitamin D.”
Vitamin D benefits:
- Influences immune cell function.
- Maintains nervous system functions.
- Needed for bone health.
- Regulates blood levels of calcium and phosphorus.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is an important vitamin for organ function. You should get 15 milligrams daily. Sources of vitamin E include vegetable oils, avocados, spinach, seeds and nuts, and whole grains.
“Vitamin E has the antioxidant benefits of keeping your immune system strong, but also can help with dilating blood vessels and preventing blood clots,” says Patton.
Vitamin E benefits:
- Protects cells from damage from toxins.
- Maintains muscle function.
- Reduces risk of cancer.
- Reduces risk of heart disease.
- Reduces risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
Vitamin K
Vitamin K is essential for blood clotting. The RDA of vitamin K is 120 micrograms for men and 90 micrograms for women. This protein-rich vitamin is mainly found in leafy green vegetables.
“Vitamin K also plays a role with calcium in keeping your bones really healthy,” says Patton.
Vitamin K benefits:
- Helps in rapid wound healing.
- Creates strong bones.
- Helps protect against heart disease.
Calcium is a mineral needed for healthy bone growth. The RDA of calcium is 1,000 milligrams for men and women ages 19 to 51; for women 51 and older and for men older than 70, it increases to 1,200 milligrams per day (just be careful not to get too much of it!) Most dairy products like milk, cheese and yogurt are good sources of calcium, as are tofu, spinach, soy and rhubarb.
“But it also plays a role in muscle function and is necessary for nerves to carry messages from your brain to your body,” says Patton.
Benefits of calcium:
- Improves muscle function.
- Helps to achieve healthy blood pressure.
- Aids in hormone secretion.
- Helps maintain strong bones.
- Helps maintain strong teeth.
- Decreases risk of osteoporosis.
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Iron helps transport oxygen in blood. Not enough iron may result in a weak immune system and fatigue. Men and women should consume between 8 to 18 milligrams of iron daily. Iron is found in red meats, leafy green vegetables and legumes.
“For anybody who is vegetarian or vegan, they’re at risk for having an iron deficiency,” says Patton. “While there are a lot of plant-based sources of iron, you just don’t absorb it as well. The amount of fiber in a vegetarian or vegan diet can block iron.”
Benefits of iron:
- Improves immune function.
- Provides energy.
- Improves brain function.
- Improves ability to concentrate.
- Carries oxygen in blood.
Zinc is only needed in small amounts. The RDA for men is 11 milligrams and 8 milligrams for women. Red meat and poultry are good sources of zinc, as are beans, nuts and whole grains.
“Zinc helps boost your immune system and possibly prevent infection like pneumonia,” says Patton.
Benefits of zinc:
- Reduces risk of cancer.
- Improves immune system.
- Improves memory.
- Reduces common cold symptoms.
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