Biden’s Gatekeeper Stepped To The Podium And All Hell Broke Loose [VIDEO]

This has been a busy week with the news and the White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki has had her hand full. Earlier this week, Psaki was grilled hard by Peter Doocy over Joe Biden’s inept policies and the fact the president was not seen wearing a mask in a store that clearly was marked for visitors to wear one.

Then on Thursday, Psaki faced one furious South African reporter who went off on her during the presser.

“Today News Africa” reporter Simon Ateba went at Jenn  Psaki “Jim Acosta-style,” and demanded he is called on so he could denounce the Biden administration’s travel ban on countries in southern Africa.

This happened three times as the angry Ateba, shouted down Jenn Psaki, who looked very frazzled and frustrated with the entire situation.

The Biden team is under fire for the recent travel bans issued on Africa– which is something Biden called Trump “racist” for doing, and that was a national security issue.

Here is more from Wayne Dupree:

Washington Examiner reported that Joe Biden had barely contained the delta COVID-19 variant when he slapped travel bans on South Africa and seven neighboring countries as he waits for more information regarding the new omicron strain.

But Biden’s decision to close the U.S. border to southern African visitors has been blasted by travel lobby groups and attracted hypocrisy complaints after he seemed to suggest former President Donald Trump’s travel bans were “xenophobic.”

Biden’s travel ban is “symbolic,” according to public health communications expert Glen Nowak. For Nowak, a former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention spokesman, movement restrictions “are far less effective” at stopping the spread of highly transmissible viruses such as COVID-19.

“We’re seeing that this new variant is in many countries already,” he said. “So it’s probably more symbolic at this point.”

Aside from the public health aspect, travel bans also set high expectations, according to Nowak. And if Biden’s does not slow the spread of the omicron variant, it could exacerbate anger, frustration, and skepticism toward the president’s divisive COVID-19 response, he said.

African health officials feel frustrated with the “hysterical” US reaction to the new variant; which they say is very mild.

You can watch the video below:

Things have gotten much worse under Banana Brains Biden. There are now more deaths in 2021 than there were in 2020… and in 2020 we didn’t even have a vaccine.

So, something isn’t working, and instead of saying “okay, what we’ve done in the past didn’t work, let’s go in a different direction,” Biden is doubling down on his stupid failed policies.

This is likely why his poll numbers continue to tumble into the abyss.

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