BREAKING: Top Democrat Leader Has RESIGNED!

A prominent Democrat leader has recently made a shocking announcement regarding her future career ambitions, and apparently one of them is to NOT seek a second term. That’s right, apparently, Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms has announced that she is not planning on seeking reelection later this year.

This a shocker on so many levels, especially when you consider that Keisha Lance Bottoms had been on the shortlist for Joe Biden’s list of running mates during the 2020 election. She first made this announcement in a private phone call with staffers, allies, and friends. She then proceeded to release a video and a statement where she said that she and her husband Derek “were giving thoughtful and prayerful consideration regarding the decision and the season before us, we have decided that I can hold my head high as I reflect on my first term as the mayor of Atlanta and that I will not seek a second term for this position,” the Democrat Leader said.

Bottoms was elected in a razor-thin runoff in 2017.

Obviously, this makes the race for the Atlanta mayor a wide-open contest this year, and it will be interesting who decides to throw their hat into the race. This decision by Bottoms is shocking on many levels, including the fact that she had already started raising funds for her election campaign. She had recently participated in a fundraising event for her campaign that had featured President Biden and garnered her over $500,000.

However, in the letter where she announced her resignation, the Democrat leader said that she was “uncertain of what the future holds” but she was certain she would have been reelected had she chose to run.

“It is my sincere hope that the city of Atlanta will find a candidate that will lead it to its next and best chapter,” she concluded in her letter.

Could it be that conservatives like us caused her to burn out? One can only hope so!

What do you think about her decision? Your comments are appreciated!

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