Ever since being installed in the White House, controversies have been part of Biden’s Administration. I mean, he has done nothing but destroys America’s image slowly.
Over 3,000 pediatricians have filed suit against the Biden administration for a health care mandate that would require medical professionals to provide gender-related services despite medical objections.
Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which broadened the definition of sex discrimination to include sexual orientation and gender identity, objections to treating children with gender-related therapies would be considered discrimination.
President Biden signed an Executive Order that required Section 1157 and Title IX to be interpreted to include gender identity as a protected trait.
“The American College of Pediatricians, the Catholic Medical Association, and an OB-GYN doctor who specializes in caring for adolescents filed suit in federal court to challenge a Biden administration mandate requiring doctors to perform gender transition procedures on any patient, including a child if the procedure violates a doctor’s medical judgment or religious beliefs,” the Alliance Defending Freedom said in a press release.
“The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reinterpreted non-discrimination on the basis of sex in the Affordable Care Act to include gender identity and thus require gender transition interventions, services, surgeries, and drugs on-demand, even for children, no matter a doctor’s medical judgment, religious beliefs, or conscientious objection,” the release continued.
“Forcing doctors to prescribe transition hormones for 13-year-olds or perform life-altering surgeries on adolescents is unlawful, unethical, and dangerous,” said ADF Senior Counsel Ryan Bangert.
“Doctors should never be forced to perform a controversial and often medically dangerous procedure that goes against their best judgment, their conscience, or their religion, especially when it involves vulnerable children experiencing mental and emotional confusion,” said ADF Senior Counsel Julie Marie Blake.
The Philadelphia, PA Catholic Medical Association also issued a statement together with Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys representing the American College of Pediatricians, and an OB-GYN doctor who specializes in caring for adolescents, are suing the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services over a Biden administration mandate requiring doctors to perform gender transition procedures on any patient, including a child, even if the procedure violates a doctor’s medical judgment or religious beliefs.
The CMA President, Dr. Michael Parker said that “Biological identity must remain the basis for treating patients, This mandate not only puts the health and safety of our patients in jeopardy but it in effect also mandates that health care providers give up their fundamental right to conscience. This sets a dangerous precedent with incalculable implications for the ethical practice of medicine.”
ADF Senior Counsel Ryan Bangert in a statement also added a statement said, “The laws of our land and the medical profession have long respected the biological differences between boys and girls and the unique needs they each present in health care. Forcing doctors to prescribe transition hormones for 13-year-olds or perform life-altering surgeries on adolescents is unlawful, unethical, and dangerous.”
CMA and its co-complainants believe that Biden’s Health and Human Services department is grossly overreaching its authority and, in so doing, putting children’s psychological and physical health in great peril.
<strong>Sources: </strong><a href=”https://www.dailywire.com/news/3000-plus-pediatricians-medical-professionals-sue-biden-over-transgender-mandate”>Daily Wire</a>, <a href=”https://www.mystateline.com/news/politics/pediatricians-sue-biden-over-transgender-mandate-for-children/”>My Stateline</a>, <a href=”https://www.cathmed.org/resources/catholic-medical-association-joins-alliance-defending-freedom-in-lawsuit-challenging-biden-transgender-mandate/”>Catholic Medical Association</a>
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