Kamala Harris Under Fire for Promising in 2020 to Release Transgender Criminals from Prison
Since Democrats have anointed Kamala Harris as Joe Biden’s replacement in this year’s presidential election, they have teamed up with the mainstream media to try and portray her as a moderate candidate, rather than as the radical liberal that she actually is. Unfortunately for them all, however, Harris’s own words have come back to haunt her, as they are exposing just how much of a crazed far-leftist she really is.
During her 2020 presidential run that was abysmally unsuccessful, Harris desperately tried to win over woke voters by making a disturbing promise about what she’d do as president. This shocking pledge was that if she made it to the White House, Harris would work to keep transgender criminals out of jail.
This promise shows exactly where Harris’ priorities would lie as a president. She would undoubtedly not be moderate at all. Instead, she would likely focus much of her energy on enacting the radical left’s woke agenda.
From Daily Wire:
Harris’ now-inactive campaign website claims that “the LGBTQ+ community is exposed to higher rates of violence and assault in prison, and it is even more so with transgender individuals.” Harris, it says, would work as president to “reduce incarceration of LGBTQ+ individuals.”“Kamala understands the best way to address the issue is to seek alternatives to incarceration to prevent trans individuals from being incarcerated in the first place,” the site reads. “Kamala would also push to significantly reform our sentencing laws to further reduce sentences.”
The Harris campaign website went on to say that as president, she would “build a new generation of transgender leaders.” She would also “work with transgender leaders and advocates to implement a comprehensive agenda to not just address the epidemic of violence trans persons face, but to create opportunity and build a more inclusive America.”
With all the problems plaguing our country for years, would Harris focus on THAT as president?!
JD Vance Fires Back
The former President Donald Trump’s running mate Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) had the perfect response to Harris’ past promise regarding transgender inmates. After days of Harris and her supporters claiming that he is “weird,” Vance pointed out that this just goes to show that she’s the true “weird” one.
More from Daily Wire:
“I find it pretty weird that Kamala Harris was so fixated on the issue of ‘transgender incarceration’ that she said we should seek alternatives to jail time for criminals who violate the law,” Vance told The Daily Wire. “I don’t care what gender you think you are: if you break the law you should go to jail. It’s as simple as that.”
Harris’ current campaign refused to comment when asked about this past promise. Clearly, they hope that by ignoring it, it will be swept under the rug.
Unfortunately for them, however, this is simply not going to happen. Instead, her past words are spreading on social media like wildfire, reminding voters of just how dangerous Harris would really be in the White House.
In the end, Harris’ own past words show that there is nothing moderate about her. This promise about transgender inmates is just one of many radical liberal pledges that Harris has made in the past.
Don’t buy into the media narrative about Harris. If she makes it to the White House, you can expect her to immediately begin forcing her radically liberal agenda upon the entire country. That’s the last thing America needs right now.
Key Takeaways:
- Harris previously promised to help transgender inmates as president.
- J.D. Vance fired back by pointing out how “weird” this is.
- The promise shows that Harris is a radical liberal, not a moderate.
Source: Daily Wire
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