Islamist Nightmare: School Girl Confesses Lie That Got Innocent Teacher Beheaded

A new detail has emerged in the 2020 murder of a 47-year-old schoolteacher in France.

Samuel Paty was murdered by an 18-year-old Chechen refugee, Abdoullakh Anzorov, on Oct. 16, 2020, the U.K.’s Daily Mail reported. Anzorov stabbed Paty to death outside of the school he worked at then decapitated him.

Anzorov targeted Paty after an online harassment campaign drew attention to the teacher for his apparent “Islamophobia” in the classroom.

However, in a court hearing on Tuesday, the student who made the original accusation admitted to lying about the whole thing before apologizing to his family.

The girl, who was 13 at the time of the murder, claimed Paty showed caricatures of Muhammad in class from the magazine Charlie Hebdo and told all his Muslim students to leave the classroom.

She admitted that she made the story up and that she had not been in class that day. She had been suspended for bad behavior for two days and decided to lie to avoid punishment from her parents.

Paty did show cartoons of Muhammad from Charlie Hebdo as part of a class to discuss the terror attack from 2015, but he never told Muslim students to leave the room.

The Mail reported, Paty instructed students to turn away if they chose after explaining that the images were being shown as part of a lesson on ethics.

The Jan. 7, 2015, attack on Charlie Hebdo’s office, which left 12 dead, was carried out by several Muslim men, who sought revenge for the magazine’s depictions of Islam and Muhammad. Al-Qaeda later claimed responsibility.

The girl’s father, Brahim Chnina, has been accused of being involved in the online campaign against Paty. He faces charges of association with a terrorist organization.

The schoolgirl received a suspended sentence of 18 months for her role in Paty’s murder. Five of her classmates also faced charges, with four of them being handed suspended sentences and one being given a “six-month term with an electronic tag.”

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Paty’s death was based on a lie following an ethics lesson.

He did not mock or slander Muhammad or Islam, but what if he had?

Does an innocent man deserve to be brutally murdered and beheaded for those actions? No.


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