Ok, what is happening here, friends?
The Air Force made a post that definitely has the makings of a “Q” phrase which has most people wondering what is going on.
Of course, there are a lot of phrases associated with “Q” and I am the first to admit that I am not a huge follower of the group but this one definitely perked my ears up.
“Enjoy the Show 🍿” is one of them that many people associate with “Q”, right?
Even if you aren’t a “Q” follower, I am sure you have heard it.
The idea that we are watching a show, that we are watching a carefully orchestrated plan, and that we’re gonna love the ending is quintessential Q.
I believe Q has used that phrase many times before, but one of the most famous is this Q Drop from 2017, which ends with:
Patriots are in control. Sit back and ENJOY THE SHOW.”
And s mentioned above, the Air Force just used that tagline in a recent post.
From their Instagram, take a look:
I mean that is pretty coincidental and I am not one that really believes in coincidences at all, and a lot of others noticed it too.
AirForce on IG. #. Sit back and enjoy the show. pic.twitter.com/J4CNnQC1Wb
— D-o-M🐸 (@dljr2018) July 8, 2021
So, what do you think?
Is it a coincidence or are the patriots really in control now?
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