Come On: Now Biden Is Forgetting To Sign His Own Executive Orders…

It can’t come fast enough for President Joe Biden’s forthcoming beach vacation. The sad man traveled to Maine on Friday to sign an executive order, but he failed to do so. The Democrats’ recent fixation with the GDP may be the more significant aspect of the narrative.

In order to promote his new “Invent It Here, Make It Here” executive order, Biden took a morning flight to Auburn, Maine. Apparently, while former President Donald Trump was in power, wanting products to be “Made In America” wasn’t racist. To demonstrate his dedication to manufacturing jobs, the trip’s main goal was to sign the order in Maine.

However, according to CBS News, the numbers show that Maine lost 0.5 percent of its industrial jobs between June 2022 and June 2023.

Regarding the event today, Biden behaved as usual. He had to be told to come back to the stage after leaving to sign the stupid thing with his John Hancock. His exit music was just beginning at that point, and the crowd was already leaving:

While there, he insulted the intelligence of the electorate once more by saying that prior to the pandemic, “nobody knew what a supply chain” was:

Maine Governor Janet Mills (D) also praised Biden at the event, saying, “I want to thank him for revitalizing our economy — Maine and the nation are seeing an increase in the [Gross Domestic Product], statewide and nationally,” The Maine Wire reported.

Despite the fact that the GDP of the United States increased over the last two quarters, the country is not strong as a result. Perhaps we should be reminded of the words of the late Senator Robert Kennedy (D-NY) whenever politicians or party hacks use the GDP to support their case for a robust economy:

…gross national product does not allow for the health of our children, the quality of their education or the joy of their play. It does not include the beauty of our poetry or the strength of our marriages, the intelligence of our public debate or the integrity of our public officials.

It measures neither our wit nor our courage, neither our wisdom nor our learning, neither our compassion nor our devotion to our country, it measures everything in short, except that which makes life worthwhile.

And it can tell us everything about America except why we are proud that we are Americans.

And right now, both emotionally and physically, American children are in poorer condition than ever. The lockdowns and other issues facing public schools have slowed down children’s education, and activists who insist on wokeness in all they do have stifled children’s ability to enjoy “the joy of their play.”

The continual scandals surrounding “The Big Guy” and his family should provide evidence of the caliber of our public officials.

Only 39% of adult Americans in the United States say they are “extremely proud” to be Americans, perhaps as a result of all these problems.

Kennedy’s words should be all too familiar to Biden. On the 1988 campaign trail, the man used an exact quote from RFK’s address on the GDP as his own.

But perhaps he has blocked that out in the same way that the DNC has barred Robert F. Kennedy Jr. from the Democratic Party in 2024.

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