If You See These Symbols On Your Phone It Means Someone Is Watching!

Technology has changed our lives from the simplest things to the most complicated ones, simply indicating how our technology gave us a leap beyond what we can imagine.

Recently, the New York Post reported:

“The Google feature was added to phones in the latest Android 12 update, the new indicator appears in the top right corner of the screen.”

“You’ll see a camera or microphone icon when an app attempts to access either. It prevents apps from surreptitiously listening in — or even watching through your camera.”

“Cyber experts have uncovered countless apps that have inappropriate access to the camera on Android phones,” The Post added.

Have you ever imagined what Google can do? Watch this experiment.

Watch it here: Youtube/Fox News

Who would have thought about clicking YES when setting up your phone could allow a big tech company like Google to manipulate and spy on you.

As per Business Insider, “Google has worked its way into virtually every aspect of your life, and the search giant’s network of interrelated apps and services capture, share and rely on a great deal of personal information about you and Google tracks your search history, for example, as well as your mobile device’s location, the ads you view, the videos you watch, and more.”

The idea was more about business but later on, it’s getting more cringy and political.

After guesting on the show, Tucker Carlson Tonight, Research psychologist Dr. Robert Epstein said that Google is very likely manipulating a large swatch of votes to the November 2020 presidential elections in favor of the Democrats.

“We found days when the voting reminder on Google’s homepage was being sent only to liberals and not one of our conservative field agents received the voting reminder,” Epstein said.

Have you recently checked your phone?

Sources: The Western Journal, New York Post, Business Insider

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