Liberals Losing It At A Fast Food Chain After Their New Policy Went Into…

Conservatives successfully boycotted Bud Light due to the company’s overt political goal, but it now appears that the left has found its own boycott target after becoming enraged with In-N-Out Burger.

By informing staff that the coronavirus crisis is ended and there is no longer a need for masks in the workplace, the fast food behemoth has drawn the wrath of the left.

Really, why shouldn’t the gigantic burger chain? There are no credible studies that demonstrate masking stops the spread of viruses. Masks simply don’t function.

Leftist Dr. Lucky Tran became so enraged that he began a lengthy Twitter thread in which he bemoaned the burger chain and exhorted his fellow leftists to engage in online harassment of the business.

Tran, a mask zealot who refers to himself as “a global scientist,” was upset when a judge in the state of California decided that employees cannot sue their employers if they contract COVID-19 at work.

Tran then noted that “This week, In-N-Out banned their employees from wearing masks.”

“This is horrible,” he whined.

Tran went on to post the In-N-Out policy announcement:

Additionally, the doctor started putting up links to the burger joint’s open comments section.

The assault against In-N-Out was joined by additional lefties. Babs, a Twitter user, urged leftists to contact the business’ hotline and voice their complaints.

Another shrill leftist advised liberals to “BE LOUD” in their attacks on In-N-Out over its masking policy.

“We have to fight back on this. We need to BE LOUD in our opposition! Call and email In-n-out! Let them know this is unacceptable. Policymakers and organizations need to speak out. Businesses cannot ban masks and put staff life and health in danger,” she wrote.

And Twitter user “oh dear” called for a boycott of the fast food joint.

“Banning masks at work?!?” Oh dear wrote, “THIS demands a #Boycott of In-N-Out Burger. They are putting their currently-healthy workers at risk. Unbelievable, in the light of scientific evidence of long COVID issues.”

In the end, the far-left organization known as “MaskTogetherAmerica,” which was founded in 2019 to persuade America to obtain vaccines and believe in the fiction of masks, also joined in to encourage its indoctrinated supporters to assault In-N-Out.

“In-N-Out Burger is allegedly trying to ban employees from wearing masks unless they have a doctor’s note, except @innoutburger in CA. MaskTogetherAmerica condemns mask bullying, mask banning or any forms of discrimination against people who mask up to stay healthy,” the far-left group tweeted.

However, none of these leftists appeared to comprehend that In-N-Out employees had the option to find employment elsewhere if they don’t like the company’s masking practices. They are not required to stay in areas where they don’t feel secure. They might be able to find employment in a far-left business like Starbucks or something.

In-N-Out has, of course, previously been the target of the left. It is not shocking considering that the company is conservative and Christian.

Nevertheless, kudos to In-N-Out for overcoming all of this COVID-19 crap.

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