Ohio College Forced To Pay Up Big Time After Falsely Accusing Bakery Of Racism….

 Get woke, go broke. Such is the lesson learned by Oberlin College in Ohio, which was slammed with a judgment this week in a defamation suit brought by a local bakery, which resulted in a judgment of $36.59 million against the woke college.

Oberlin College was hit with a huge judgment in 2019 for its treatment of Gibson’s Bakery. Initially set at $44 million that amount was cut based on Ohio law to $25 million and then increased to $31 million to cover the cost of the bakery’s lawyers.

The full details of the case are incredibly infuriating, but essentially, an incident at the store became a national news story in 2016 after the bakery owner’s son chased down shoplifters attempting to steal from the store.

The shoplifters were black, and bystanders immediately began hurling accusations of racial profiling. It spiraled the following day, as students and Oberlin College administrators called them “white supremacists” and “racists.”

“They chanted ‘Boycott Gibson’s’ and held signs that said we were white supremacists. They called us racists on their bullhorns,” the owners said. “The students weren’t alone. College administrators were there, too, handing out flyers and addressing the crowd on a bullhorn. The protesters also distributed flyers that said we had a ‘LONG ACCOUNT of RACIAL PROFILING and DISCRIMINATION.’” 

Ohio Representative Jim Jordan weighed in on Twitter “Go woke. Go broke.”

Go woke. Go broke.

Big win for Gibson’s Bakery, the rule of law, and the TRUTH. https://t.co/RB3UKxuzPZ

— Rep. Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) September 9, 2022

The school had a long history of ordering food from the bakery, which immediately stopped after the profiling accusations went public.

The owners tried to get the college to retract the absurd racism allegations but to no avail. The school even tried to suggest that any future shoplifting incidents be referred to the dean, not the police. Thankfully, that absurd request was denied.

A lawsuit, however, proved more fruitful.

Oberlin College tried to appeal the court’s decision while Gibson’s bakery struggled to stay open after the harmful accusations by the Dean and Oberlin students.

However, according to Breitbart, the Ohio Supreme Court has declined to hear Oberlin’s appeal of the judgment awarded to the bakery, and the college is finally paying up.

BIG win.

Well done. https://t.co/OeIt2BclJ0

— Sebastian Gorka DrG (@SebGorka) September 9, 2022

Here’s what the Gibson family attorneys told the outlet after the Ohio Supreme Court decided not to hear the appeal.

“Truth Still Matters, David can still overcome Goliath. We and the Gibson family are gratified that all judges on the court of appeals and the majority of the Ohio Supreme Court recognized the rights of individuals rather than the bullying tactics of the big institutions.”

Additionally, the initial misinformation about a small family-owned bakery just trying to protect its inventory from shoplifters almost cost them their business.

Because woke college students happened to be around the incident and inaccurately assume racism was involved, Oberlin leapt into action to pile on.

It was essentially a requirement for them, as staunch followers of progressivism, to view every possible situation through that lens, which requires activism and fealty to a woke mindset, no matter how absurd.

Finally, Oberlin College is paying the court-ordered defamation damages of $36.59 million.

Sources: 100percentfedup, Breitbart

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