One Mom Just Torched Her Kid’s School For FORCING Critical Race Theory!

When a Virginia parent delivered a masterful takedown of teaching “Critical Race Theory” in classrooms, she lit a fire under the local school board. The woman’s incredible speech to the school board has gained national attention in the video below. On Twitter, questions about the woman’s identity were answered:

She’s a member of the Loudoun GOP Women’s Club…

We are ecstatic that she has joined Team GOP and is assisting us in our fight against racist ideologies!

Wearing a face mask and wielding the wrath of a maternal mother bear. She began her speech to the school board by quoting civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr.’s iconic “I Have a Dream” speech before mentioning some of crucial race theory’s notorious users in the past.

“[Critical race theory] is not an honest dialogue — it is a tactic used by Hitler and the Ku Klux Klan on slavery very many years ago to dumb down my ancestors so we could not think for ourselves,” the parent, who is black, stated.

In Loudoun County, Virginia, there is a campaign to reclaim the schools by excluding six school board members:

According to a new article, the school board had a hidden Facebook group that threatened conservative parents who objected to Critical Race Theory being taught:

Loudoun Parents for Education (LPE) announced they were seeking to recall Beth Barts, Denise Corbo, Leslee King, Atoosa Reaser, Ian Serotkin, and Chairwoman Brenda Sheridan for “neglect of duty, misuse of office, and incompetence in the performance of their duties.” The six board members were accused of being part of a Facebook group that sought to create lists of parents who opposed CRT or who wanted schools open for in-person learning.


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