A Utah County mom is now in some serious trouble for the dangerous way she takes care of her child’s oral hygiene.
A Walmart employee heard the 7-year-old boy screaming as his mother, Jeannine Cherilynn Isom, attempted to pull the teeth in a bathroom at a store location in American Fork, many reports confirmed.
It all started when 47-year-old Isom together with her son had just purchased a sanitizer and needle-nose pliers at Walmart. Cashiers didn’t think twice when the mom walked into the store and bought the two simple items. She put the bottle of hand sanitizer and the pair of needle nose pliers on the belt, paid for her purchase, and walked away with her bag in hand.
But a few minutes later, they can hear a boy screaming coming from the bathroom, they immediately ran to the bathroom and see Isom attempting to pull her son’s teeth out of his mouth with pliers.
Sgt. Cameron Paul with American Fork Police said in a statement:
“She proceeded to use the needle-nose pliers to extract both teeth, both of his upper front teeth in his mouth. There was only one that was just a tiny bit loose. The other one was not.
Isom was charged with one count of child abuse and a second-degree felony for intentionally or knowingly inflicting serious physical injury upon a child after she attempted to pull her son’s teeth out of his mouth with pliers.

AOL also reported the incident:
After removing the boy from the bathroom and getting him away from his abusive mother, the cops were called and the 47-year-old woman was arrested and charged with child abuse and a second-degree felony for “intentionally or knowingly inflicting serious physical injury upon a child.” Police added that the incident was “child abuse in its purest form.”
Miami Herald reported:
“She proceeded to use the needle-nose pliers to extract both teeth, both of his upper front teeth in his mouth,” American Fork Police Sgt. Cameron Paul explained, relaying the horrific ordeal the innocent child was put through. When questioned, Isom told officers that the teeth were loose and infected. However, that wasn’t the case at all.
Court documents reveal that the cruel mother didn’t use any kind of anesthesia for the amateur and impromptu dental procedure. What’s more, the description provided by the police indicate that the makeshift surgery had to be extremely painful. “When she proceeded to extract them, they didn’t come out in one whole piece. There were multiple pieces,” Sgt. Paul added. “So, that illustrates that they were still very attached to this child’s mouth.”
Watch it here: Wochit News/Youtube
Isom claims the teeth were infected, but a dentist who examined the child said that isn’t true. So, one can only imagine the extreme agony this caused the seven-year-old boy, and it was all at the hands of his mother.
Sadly, child abuse is one of the most horrific realities in our society, but abusive parents have to be the most disgusting offenders.
Sources: Taphaps, Miami Herald, AOL, Good4Utah
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