It is no denying the 40-year-old game show “Family Feud” is one of the funniest shows on television. For decades of existence, it has produced some hilarious moments like the time a contestant blurted out an answer that brought game show host Steve Harvey to his knees.
The contestant, Orlando TV personality Secily Wilson described as a portrait of resiliency. “I’m 45 and I look fabulous,” she says.
It’s not boasting when you’ve rebounded from illness, divorce, and job loss to become an Internet phenom and radio host Tom Joyner’s answer, for a night, to Joan Rivers. Still, Wilson said, a regular job would be nice.
“I’ve been able to get freelance work,” says Wilson, who worked at WKMG-Channel 6 and WMFE-Channel 24. “I’m hoping as I make this transition that someone will recognize that ‘she’s talented and let’s get her back on the air.’ “
Going back, the viral clip was picked up by more than a dozen sites and received millions of hits, the show estimates.
Harvey said to the contestant, “Name a part of your body that’s bigger than it was when you were 16.” A loaded question like that is bound to bring in a colorful answer, and it did.
The contestant, Wilson, instantly responded with, “Your penis.”
After she said that, Harvey went silent for a few seconds, and then Secily put her hands on her face in embarrassment. Both laughed, and Harvey took a knee.
“I used the medical terminology,” Wilson pointed out.
Harvey quipped back: “A medical term is almost worse! A slang term would have least been … your ‘ding-a-ling,’ something!”
Wilson has a simple explanation: “I was focused on trying to win $20,000, and it was a good answer.” But the survey-says results still surprise her. None of the answers matched hers.
“Zero! Can you believe that?” she asks.
“That sense of fun and humor we saw every day,” says Skip Valet, her former boss at WKMG. “It didn’t surprise me that she would become an Internet sensation.”
Watch the video below:
Sources: OpposingViews, Rare