It seems as if Colin Kaepernick did everything he could to be in the spotlight without performing in his own sport. He managed to derail an entire country with his harshly oppressive views for fame and attention.
Kaepernick is still getting in the way today as his previous comments now lend themselves to a major crisis in Cuba. He once again spoke with no facts or care for anyone involved, but just for attention.
A current UFC star and Cuban spoke out about Kaepernick’s careless and ridiculous comments.
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On Friday, Masvidal called former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick a “coward” over Kaepernick’s wearing of a Fidel Castro t-shirt in 2016.
“Know ur history and facts cowards like this fool should be sent to live in Cuba see what they say after a day there,” Masvidal wrote on a post published to the UFC star’s Instagram.
In 2016, Kaepernick wore a t-shirt depicting a meeting between Malcolm X and Castro. The phrase “Like minds think alike” was under pictures of the two.
“One thing that Fidel Castro did do is they have the highest literacy rate because they invest more in their education system than they do in their prison system,” Kaepernick said, “which we do not do here, even though we’re fully capable of doing that.”
“My father escaped Cuba when he was 14 years old,” Masvidal said in a video posted to Twitter. “And I’ve only heard the horror stories since I could process thoughts of how s***** this communist regime, killing machine is. So I just want to shed some light on Cuba. Big SOS signal for them.”
Masvidal went on to call for the entire world to “rally behind Cuba.”
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