WOW….The Ratings For Chris Wallace Are So Bad That The May Be About To…

A piece of terrible rating news under the headline “CNN Just Suffered Its Worst Ratings Week in 9 Years” has been popping up on my newsfeed recently. Everyone knew that Trump losing in 2020 was going to be bad for CNN, but this bad?

Well, former Fox News host Chris Wallace contributed to the worst ratings CNN has been experiencing for nearly a decade.

If you’re not even familiar with Chris Wallace’s new show on CNN, it is called Who is talking to Chris Wallace?

The coincidence makes it even more hilarious as TGP suggests a new name for his shoe Who watches Chris Wallace? Of course, the answer to this question is not many people.

The reality Wallace needs to face is that People don’t get along with his Toxic narrative. Just like the toxic narratives constantly pushed by Lemon and CNN in general, Americans clearly aren’t interested.

More details of this report from the Washington Examiner:

Former Fox News host Chris Wallace sees worst ratings month since CNN move

Former Fox News anchor Chris Wallace’s prime-time CNN venture saw its worst ratings month since its launch.

In January, CNN’s Who’s Talking to Chris Wallace? averaged just 365,000 viewers. Only 48,000 of them were in the coveted 25- to 54-year-old demographic, according to Nielsen data.

On Sunday, the show’s last airing of January, it averaged 323,000 viewers and 38,000 in the 25-54 demographic.

There are amateur YouTubers who get vastly more viewers than Chris Wallace.

Since joining CNN, Wallace has really let his liberal colors fly. He is now a big fan of Nancy Pelosi, apparently.

NewsBusters added:

This came in the second half of the Wallace interview. He came out of commercial insisting “Whether you agree with her politics or not, there is no denying Nancy Pelosi has been one of the most effective politicians in Washington for the last two decades. I picked up our conversation asking the former speaker how she’s done it.”

You can tell that Alexandra Pelosi’s dearest-mommy documentary is clearly part of the Pelosi PR packet, as Alexander was featured heavily in the Maureen Dowd puff piece in Sunday’s New York Times. Wallace played a clip of Pelosi playing hardball with a Democrat as they passed “Obamacare” in 2010. Then Wallace played a clip of Pelosi talking in the documentary about never tiring in a negotiation.


Sources: TheGatewayPundit, WashingtonExaminer, NewsBusters

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