Denzel Washington Took To The Mic And What He Said Had Them In Tears…

An emotional Denzel Washington appeared in an interview with “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” as he recalled his late loving mother Lennis Washington, left behind.

Washington was known before for being was quiet about his faith and his politics. But this time after the passing of his mother who opened the floodgates when it comes to his Christian roots. A tearful Denzel recalled his mother’s love during an interview.

He said tearfully “A mother is a son’s first true love, a son, especially that first son, is a mother’s last true love.” He became tearful, took a long pause, and said, “I’m getting choked up. Sorry.” The award-winning actor tenderly added that his mother was “there for everything.”

“And then she went home,” Denzel recalled, later dabbing at his eyes with a tissue. Denzel added that he’s not sure if he was his mother’s favorite, but he said that he certainly gave her the hardest time growing up. “I don’t know if I was her favorite, I gave her the hardest time. I can tell you that,” he said, telling the audience to show care for their loved ones while they’re still able.

He told the outlet that he will tirelessly work to honor God for the rest of his days on this earth:

“If you don’t have a spiritual anchor you’ll be easily blown by the wind and you’ll be led to depression,” he told the outlet of his time in Hollywood. “I’m a God-fearing man. I try not to worry. Fear is contaminated faith.”

 “The enemy is the inner me,” he said. “The Bible says in the last days — I don’t know if it’s the last days, it’s not my place to know — but it says we’ll be lovers of ourselves. The No. 1 photograph today is a selfie, ‘Oh, me at the protest.’ ‘Me with the fire.’ ‘Follow me.’ ‘Listen to me.’ We’re living in a time where people are willing to do anything to get followed. What is the long- or short-term effect of too much information? It’s going fast and it can be manipulated, obviously, in a myriad of ways. And people are led like sheep to slaughter.”

Washington went on to conclude the interview by stating that sin is the ultimate cause of division both within ourselves and our communities.

Sources: Taphaps, New York Times, Uelresins, Complex

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