Many Americans consider Ryan Hartwig to be one of the most important figures in American history. From being part of the leftist Facebook agenda, who later became a very credible whistleblower.
Hartwig, working as a content moderator for Facebook, revealed that the Facebook bosses saw an even bigger threat, Americans of a different political viewpoint. Hartwig watched in horror as Facebook made a monumental shift after the 2016 elections, hiring thousands of US-based content moderators with one mission, to favor leftist viewpoints while suppressing the speech of conservatives.
Hartwig describes more than forty examples of such behavior, and it will radically rewrite your understanding of the past four years as you learn how the news regarding prominent individuals like Greta Thunberg, Alyssa Milano, and Don Lemon was censored to remove legitimate criticism of them.
Viral videos of Trump supporters being attacked were removed from the platform, and moderators were told to look for signs of hate speech in Trump’s State of the Union addresses, while at the same time allowing vicious attacks against police, pro-lifers, and straight white males.
And many more… It is clear that Big Tech is using far-left political beliefs as their own network standard.
Our friends from ‘The Gateway Pundit’ recently published an exclusive report directly from Facebook Whistleblower Ryan Hartwig himself on Facebook’s pre-COVID policies:
As we wait the 21 days for Dr. Fauci to release all of his email correspondence with Big Tech, Facebook Whistleblower Ryan Hartwig decided to release never-before-seen internal policies filmed in 2019 that show how Facebook treated vaccine misinformation prior to COVID-19.
Knowing how Facebook already treated vaccine misinformation shows that it was a logical step for them to clamp down on COVID-19 health information.
With that being said, should we now expand the initial request and ask Dr. Fauci for emails going back to 2018 and 2019? Did the CDC or Dr. Fauci play a role in shaping Facebook’s pre-covid medical misinformation policies as well?
Mr. Hartwig has revealed 13 images that detail exactly what is allowed to be said regarding vaccines, and what is banned. Their policy is very broad and covers bans on fundraising related to vaccine misinformation, inherently violating hashtags. Facebook’s policy also prevents claims about vaccines causing chronic illnesses, learning disorders, autism, pneumonia, and other health-related issues.
Not only that, but Facebook gave specific examples of violating claims. For example, the phrase “Natural immunity is safer vaccine-required immunity” is violating. Additionally the phrase “It is unsafe to follow the medically recommended vaccine schedule for children and better to ‘space out’ vaccines over additional years” is violating. One example of an inherently violating hashtag was #vaccinescauseautism. Regardless of the content of the post or of the user, any use of this hashtag would cause the entire post to be violating.
Facebook also warned moderators on the characteristics of groups to take a closer look at. “If any subject element or post content does not exhibit any of the below violating claims or characteristics, this should be labeled as Non-Violating, Other Non-Severe Violation, Other Severe Violation, No benchmark or Foreign Language.
Several examples of violating characteristics are:
- “Groups dedicated to a wholistic/natural approach to medicine, including groups dedicated to more ‘Eastern’ forms of medicine.”
- “Groups designed to facilitate a discussion forum on vaccinations that welcome all perspectives”
- “Groups discussing religious objections to vaccines”
- “Groups designed to share personal stories of negative experiences with vaccines”
- Facebook even went so far as to include specific examples of memes that would violate their vaccine misinformation policy.
- “If your immunizations work, then why are you not immune? Oh my gosh Karen, you can’t go around asking Pro Vaxxers why their shots don’t work”
Facebook explained that this meme is violating because it contained the following violating claim: “Vaccines are not effective in preventing the disease against which they purport to protect”.
Another shocking violating claim per Facebook’s rules is the following: “Vaccines infect children with the disease against which they are designed to vaccinate”.
It’s very clear now that Facebook has a close relationship with the CDC, and these policies indicate that relationship was very strong, even long before COVID-19. What we have learned from these new documents is that Facebook literally banned groups dedicated to Eastern medicine, and one can only imagine how banning those groups would advantage Big Pharma.
The timestamps on many of these images are from September 12th, 2019, which is during the time period when Ryan Hartwig filmed with a hidden camera while working as a content moderator for Facebook subcontractor Cognizant in Phoenix, Arizona. Hartwig went public in June 2020 with Project Veritas, revealing Facebook’s bias against conservatives and how they allowed attacks against straight white males, among many other things.
Mr. Hartwig is an officer with the Social Media Freedom Foundation, whose lawsuit against the government may fix section 230 once and for all. You can learn more about their cause at .
Hartwig is the co-author of Behind the Mask of Facebook: A Whistleblower’s Shocking Story of Big Tech Bias and Censorship with co-author Kent Heckenlively, who also authored The Case Against Vaccine Mandates
According to The Gateway Pundit, below are explosives photos about pre-Covid Facebook policies regarding vaccines:
Misinformation: Vaccines; Confidentiality Statement
Facebook Misinformation: Violating Claims
Violating Examples: “Vaccines cause autism” / “Vaccines infect children with the disease against which they are designed to vaccinate.”
Violating Examples: Violating Claims Used in Memes
Vaccine Misinformation Policy
Violating Claims
Misinformation Examples/ Claim: Vaccines Cause Autism
Misinformation Examples/ Claim: Natural Immunity is safer than vaccine-acquired immunity
Block a hashtag
Hashtag page will only show “Top Only” media
Hashtag Text (Inherently violating)
Polio Vaccine Exemption
Claims that the anti-polio campaign is a CIA/Zionist/Indian conspiracy to infect children with the compromised polio vaccine.
Claims that the anti-polio campaign is a CIA/Zionist/Indian conspiracy, action: delete.
Sources: TheGatewayPundit,, Project Veritas
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