One Leaked Photo Of A Supreme Court Justice Explains Everything!

It was Politico who first broke the story of Justice Sotomayor dining out with high-ranking Dems, but for no apparent reason, the outlet is claiming they got the story wrong. The outlet who first claim the person they identified as Justice Sotomayor is actually someone else.

Politico is now changing its narrative and they want us to believe that the person below is the person in the photo:


I mean, it’s not for me to judge, but do you believe them? Take a closer look at the photo. I leave that up to you to decide:

Compare the photo below to what the outlet claimed above, here’s a closer look of the photo:


Joe Biden’s tyrannical and unconstitutional vaccine mandates made headlines on Friday as the SCOTUS met to hear oral arguments.

These liberal justices were literally spewing “fear porn” and propaganda as seen on Joy Ried’s show. I mean, the entire country was shocked by how misinformed they were about COVID.

In fact, what happened yesterday is the best example of how crazy things would be in the hands of these liberals: Justice Sotomayor claimed that 100,000 children were currently “seriously ill” and many on “ventilators,” thanks to COVID.

Here’s a tweet from PolitiFact confirming what Justice Sonia Sotomayor said about COVID is entirely FALSE:

If we let these uninformed liberals spread phony COVID propaganda and fear porn, then America will be doomed! And it’s all coming from a Supreme Court Justice, this is terrifying beyond belief.

It was confirmed by one of Trump’s former lawyers said he was chummy with people who clerked for her and how “stupid” she is.

Radio host Jesse Kelly, yet made another spin. This conservative claims she’s not “stupid,” and knows exactly what she’s doing. She knows what she’s saying bout COVID is 100% wrong, but she’s saying it to push the communist agenda.

Here’s what Kelly said exactly:

“For those flabbergasted by how absurd yesterday’s January 6th theater was, just know that Kim Jong Il claimed he shot 38 under par on is first and only round of golf. With 5 hole-in-ones. This was taught to children in schools as a fact. Communists are without shame.”

Somehow, Jesse Kelly was right. While Sotomayor may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer (no argument there) a new damning photo of her out on the town last night, changes everything and put what happened yesterday on the bench into perspective.

Washington Examiner reporter Katherine Doyle shared a photo and tweet about what Sotomayor was doing last night, and if this doesn’t make your eyebrows go WAY UP, then you don’t understand what’s really going on around here.

Here’s what Katherine said:

“Justice Sotomayor, who participated in yesterday’s SCOTUS arguments remotely from her chambers, seen last night at Le Diplomate with Speaker Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Schumer and Sens. Klobuchar and Durban, per Politico.”

(Sotomayor’s back is to the camera. She’s next to Klobuchar).


Here are some of the comments of the folks online:

“She can dine out but not show up to court?”

“None of them are actually afraid of COVID. One of these years, people will finally figure this out.”

“A little too chummy for separation of powers”

“An appearance of impropriety occurs when reasonable minds, with knowledge of all the relevant circumstances disclosed by a reasonable inquiry, would conclude that the judge’s honesty, integrity, impartiality, temperament, or fitness to serve as a judge is impaired.”

“This sure seems like a conflict of interest. In the middle of deciding a case w major implications 4 the country’s future, she is dining w 4 radical lefties? Where’s the outrage? Guaranteed if Kavanaugh was having dinner w right-wing Reps the Dems and MSM would be apoplectic.”

 Yesterday she was telling us how dangerous Omicron is relative to Delta – later in the evening, she is dining at Le Diplomate with Democrats” 

“There you have it. Political activist on the Supreme Court.”

“This is beyond disturbing. Sotomayor is too afraid of Covid to show up to work, yet she has no problem dining out? On the very day she heard oral arguments on a case that will affect over 100 million Americans. SOTOMAYOR MUST RECUSE HERSELF!”

3 hours later Justice Sotomayor, who participated in yesterday’s SCOTUS arguments remotely from her chambers, seen last night at Le Diplomate with Speaker Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Schumer and Sens. Klobuchar and Durban, per Politico.”

Wayne Dupree concluded:

They don’t even hide it from us anymore. That’s how fearless they are.

They don’t care that you know.

As a matter of fact, I think it amuses them.

But this cannot stand.

Clearly, Sotomayor can not be objective on this matter. She’s lying left-right-and-center and then fraternizing with the leadership of the side she’s lying for.

American’s livelihoods are on the line, here.

Will more Republicans FINALLY stand up and demands she recuse herself?

Sources: WayneDupree, Politico

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