Well, things are about to get ugly for tyrant Biden, even his own party is losing confidence with his weak leadership.
And this recent report just confirms it, New Hampshire Democrats just dropped a truth bomb against him, they don’t want Biden to be their nominee in 2024. Ouch!
For them to be saying this now, “we are only ten months into Biden’s first term” is astonishing.
Washington Examiner reported:
The big switch: New Hampshire Democrats want Biden primaried in 2024
In one of the first signs that dissatisfaction with President Joe Biden goes beyond grumbling, more New Hampshire Democrats than not want him to face challenges in their first-in-the-nation 2024 primary.
The latest University of New Hampshire survey of primary voters found that Democrats, by a 45% to 29% margin, want Biden to face “opposition in primary.” Some 26% were unsure.
That is a switch from July when the same poll found that only 29% of Democrats wanted the president primaried, 38% preferred that he run unopposed, and 33% were unsure.
Biden has also lost reelection momentum in the state. In July, 49% of state Democratic primary voters said they planned to vote for Biden in 2024, 9% wanted an alternative, and 43% were unsure. Now, “don’t know/not sure” leads at 52%, 37% plan to vote for Biden, and 11% want another candidate.
Biden only brings disasters to this great county, he has done nothing – by far, Biden has been an utter failure as a president. There’s no way to sugar-coat it.
When your own party in New Hampshire wants you POTUS primaried ….it’s bad for JoBama 🤣https://t.co/BEeR4lr88H
— Sunshine (@SunshineArt7) October 22, 2021
~Well all righty then~
Poll: 45% of New Hampshire Democrats want Biden Primaried in 2024 https://t.co/lYIZmROLsQ via @BreitbartNews
— Sunshine (@az_mathe) October 21, 2021
Joe Biden’s 2024 reelection campaign pic.twitter.com/R6869C36mz
— Jay Thomas (@JayTThomas17) October 20, 2021
Biden is circling the drain. It’s hard to see how he comes back from this.
Sources: Thegatewaypundit, The Washington Examiner
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