One of the largest challenges for individuals with disabilities is transportation.
Large medical equipment like wheelchairs are frequently difficult to move in vehicles, and accessible curbs, crosswalks, and sidewalks are frequently absent from city roadways.
In fact, three surveys performed by the National Organization on Disability over the past 20 years identified transportation as a major issue. In the most recent survey, more than half of participants rated poor transportation as a “serious problem,” while almost a third of respondents cited it as a concern. And while it was designed to be accessible for everyone, those with disabilities can attest that this isn’t always the case.
For this instance riding a bus, which presents certain challenges for those with disabilities.
Cars frequently obstruct bus stops, making it difficult for passengers in wheelchairs to access the bus. Frequently, bus drivers are unsure about how to operate the wheelchair lift. And when they finally get through, they frequently balk at leaving the premium sitting area.
Many people can be rude to persons with disabilities, but one bus driver in Paris is making waves for the way he put his passengers in their place.
François Le Berre, a citizen of France, was attempting to board a bus in the 17th arrondissement of Paris. Le Berre tried to board the bus when it eventually arrived, but no one would make way for him.
Le Berre patiently waited for a movement so he could board, but none came.
The man in the wheelchair pondered waiting for the next bus along the route after observing no change. But when the bus driver realized what was happening, he made the decision to correct the rude passengers.
After the heartwarming incident, in his moment of need, Le Berre wrote a Facebook post about how the bus driver helped him, Le Berre wrote:
“Yesterday, waiting for the bus in Paris, I laughed because no one wanted to (make room). As nobody moved, the driver said, ‘Terminus! Everybody [off]!’ After the driver came to me, he said, ‘you and your help you can ride and the others, you wait for the next!’”
The bus driver then gave the order for all obnoxious passengers to exit the vehicle. Le Berre was then assisted by the driver in boarding the bus. He had more to say about the unpleasant travelers, though. Then he advised them to wait for the next bus because they were not permitted to board this one again. It was the ideal technique to instill respect for those with disabilities in the ignorant Parisians.
The driver’s actions meant a lot to Le Berre.
People from all around the world are pleading with French President Emmanuel Macron to pay tribute to the bus driver in some way now that Le Berre’s Facebook post has gone viral.
Sources: AWM, Yahoo, DailyMail
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