Two Days After Getting The Vaccine, This Innocent Child Was Hooked Up To Machines…

After receiving a Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine one Minnesota child developed myocarditis, according to Alpha News news.

It was on December 10th last year when Milo Edberg was injected and received the Pfizer vaccine. Shortly after the 6-year-old child received the shot he suffered from breathing difficulties and was hospitalized two days later at Masonic Children’s Hospital where he was intubated and diagnosed with myocarditis.

Carrie, Milo’s mother told Alpha News that his son was perfectly fine before getting the shot. “He was perfectly fine and then he wasn’t.”

Milo Edberg was born with micro-preemie (a baby who is born weighing less than 750 grams) and has battled chronic lung disease his entire life despite developing chronic lung disease at a young age, Milo learned to walk and was ‘alert and expressive’ in early December of last year.  Then his doctor recommended that he get the Covid vaccine.

“Milo’s mother said she didn’t want her son to get the shot. Only three Minnesota children under the age of 10 have died of the virus since the coronavirus pandemic began two years ago — yet his doctor said that he was at special risk of having a severe case.

Ultimately, Carrie abided by the doctor’s recommendation after being told that the shot was safe and harmless. “I went against my gut and said OK, do it,” she said.”

Here’s an excerpt from the Alpha News report:

Milo was vaccinated Dec. 10 and discharged from the hospital hours later. He was “gasping for air” at home later the next evening, Carrie said. She dialed 911 as her son’s symptoms progressed. Young Milo was transported back to Masonic on the 12th where he was intubated and diagnosed with myocarditis. He remained intubated for a month and a half and is still in the hospital nearly two months later. He can’t sit up on his own.

In all of this time, the doctors haven’t been able to clearly explain Milo’s affliction, his mother said.

“They literally have no answers,” she commented.

Doctors haven’t even been able to provide a timeline for when Milo might be able to return home or predict if he will be able to regain any quality of life.

Before the vaccine, Carrie said her son was “eating on his own [but] now he can’t even swallow his saliva.” She said he gained so many skills last year and was doing very well.

Videos that show the child walking before he was vaccinated also contrast sharply with images supplied by his mother that show him intubated, laying helpless in the hospital.

Meanwhile, “they [the doctors at Masonic] won’t bring up the vaccine” when talking about Milo’s situation, Carrie reported.

“Milo has had amazing care at Masonic. But it is weird they won’t bring up the vaccine. They just brush it off,” she said.

However, she was able to file her own VAERS report in late January, and Milo reportedly received a 10-15 minute visit from infectious disease specialists who said they would file a report with the CDC and Pfizer early in his hospital stay. She has heard nothing about this since.

Sources: The Gateway Pundit, Alpha News, The Covid World, 100 Percent Fed Up

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